Random Favorite Websites

For my last post I decided to list a few of my favorite websites (in no particular order).  If your looking for some great ways to waste time please continue reading….

1.  popurls

Popurls: the genuine news aggregator is a source of the latest web buzz.  The news covers web fads, hard news, opinions, and everything in between.


FFFFOUND! is a popular image bookmarking site.  Easily share art, funny photos, or anything just eye catching or weird.

3. Popjustice

Popjustice is an independent authority on most dance/pop/electronic/hip hop music.  Commercial to indie artists covered.  Site contains interviews and a vast forum with tones of information about upcoming albums, tours, and more.

4. Pitchfork Media

Trusted music news and reviews.  Heavy focus on the indie scene.

5.  The Superficial

Celebrity and other soft news, ….with a humorous slant.

6. The Truth About Cars

Car news, with reviews, tips, and large knowledgeable community.

7. Edge Magazine

A video game authority.  Up to date news on the video game industry, with reviews and interviews with professionals in the industry.

8. Ars Technica

News on the technology and IT industry.  Highly respectable website.

9. Metacritic

Movie reviews, music reviews, TV reviews….lots and lots of reviews!

10. Rotten Tomatoes

A great source for movie reviews and trailers.  Also contains audience reviews, DVD rental charts, and other assorted movie news.

My Social Media Policy

1. Connecting: Introduce yourself and tell me why you want to connect

I personally don’t see a point to introducing yourself if trying to connect through social media if you are friends or acquaintances in your personal lives.  Introductions are nice however if there is no formal relationship of any kind present.

2. Follow, add, friend…

I usually friend/follow people that add me, it’s a mutual respect thing….I’m not a social media whore!

3. Privacy, boundaries and safety:

I try and keep all my private policy settings the same.  I don’t like to micro manage, and find it frustrating when Facebook always changes their settings every few months.  Don’t put up any embarrassing information (or potentially embarrassing) on social media, then privacy isn’t a big concern.

4. Signal to noise:

I don’t care for repetitive status updates on what you ate for breakfast, what your dog did, what your friend of a friend thinks is funny, etc…   People have better things to do than read updates on your boring life, right?

5. Personal data and sharing:

Connect with people who you share common interests, professional goals, classmates, friends, workplace, etc…

6. My networking needs and uses:

LinkedIn is used for business and career contacts only.   Facebook is much more personal based.  I find it acceptable to add a variety of friends and acquaintances, and some business contacts if necessary (especially so if you use privacy controls).  Myspace is casual based.  It’s perfect for marketing or trying to get a name out (such as promoting a band) .  Twitter is along the same lines, however since it revolves around news feeds and conversations it can be used for business and personal fairly easily.






Public Art/Museum Blogs

Review one: The Public Art Network


The public art network is a vast blog which details public art in the United States.  The site also details news and activities in the community.  Reviews on current shows are listed, and events which take place often.  Information on setting up your own community public art facility are also listed.  This blog is a valuable resource if your planning to go on vacation in the States.

Review two: Public Art Review

The Public Art Review is a vast resource on public art which contains critiques on a variety or art projects.

Art portfolio website reviews!

First portfolio review:

Ken Wong is an accomplished artist who draws his interest from video games, movies, and animation.  The majority of his work is hand drawn and illustrated, with a few examples of 3D.  The work is mostly art, no corporate or design work is listed.  The website is functional but somewhat dark and plan looking.  It contrasts with most of the work displayed.

Second portfolio review:


Alex Cherry is a young artist/designer based in Los Angelos.  His designs are based on pop culture and his own observations.  Much of his work has a dark theme, and a gritty or dirty design.  From this website you may buy his prints, along with other artists.

